Criminal, Traffic, and DUI
Understanding Types of Crimes
MisdemeanorsCommon Misdemeanor Crimes
Levels of Misdemeanors and Sentencing Misdemeanor crimes can have sentences that include fines and or jail time. They range from First Degree Misdemeanor (the highest level) to Minor Misdemeanor (the lowest level). Some Misdemeanors can also be unclassified. Misdemeanor fines can be as high as $1,000, and jail time can be as long as 180 days. Judges are not required to impose either a fine or jail time in most cases, so sentences can vary. |
FeloniesCommon Felony Crimes
Levels of Felonies and Sentencing Sentences for felony crimes can include fines and or jail time, which can range from First Degree Felony (the highest level) to Fifth Degree Felony (the lowest level). Generally, felony crimes can have sentences ranging from 6 months to 11 years. Some more serious crimes can result in life sentences. Fines can be up to $20,000. Courts can also order restitution, which is repayment to a victim of a crime. |